2024.04.22 (월)

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기상청 제공


[Toeic 어휘 ] Insignificant, Paltry

synonym : insignificant, paltry, irrelevant, trivial, trifling, petty,





1. not big or valuable enough to be considered important

대수롭지 않은, 사소한, 하찮은

- The levels of chemicals in the river are not insignificant.

- Sure, the used-car purchase may not be terribly burdensome, but the costs associated with driving are not insignificant.



2. meaningless

의미 없는, 무의미한

- insignificant phrases (의미 없는 어구)





1. (of an amount ) so small it’s not even worth thinking; insultingly small

-a paltry wage 쥐꼬리만한 월급

-a paltry sum of a thousand won.

-Sales have increased by a paltry [=measly] two percent.


2. of little value of quality , shabby

- paltry clothes 다 낡고 허름한 옷


3. mean, despicable 비열한

She made some paltry excuse 너절한 변명




not important to or connected with a situation

- The laughs came not because this isn't true, but because it is irrelevant to the livelihoods of fishers.




not worth considering , of very little importance, small

- Don’t bother me with trivial things.

-Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a trivial matter.

-Don’be so hard on yourself for such a trivial thing.

-a trivial sum of money

-The amount of money invested compared to the amount of money returned is trivial.



trifling : small and not important

- The Flagstaff fire, though a trifling 300 acres, threatened Boulder and activated a top-level fire team.

-Such a trifling thing is not worth worrying about.

-Don’t think that this is a trifling matter.



petty : small and unimportant

- He was petty-minded and obsessed with detail.

-This is no place for petty gripes, disagreements, and competitions.

- "Congdon," replied the doctor, naming one of the petty members.